Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Final Submission

Navigation Tools: Lady Gaga's Elevator :
p = up
n = down


Img 1: Ground level shot of Lady Gaga's office and the elevator as it rises. The elevator doubles as a stage so Lady Gaga can practice in the comfort of her Office(privately) or perform for the New York Public on the ground level.

Img 2: The view from Gaga's office, showing the beautiful scenery as she overlooks the city and the ever iconic Empire State building.

Img 3: Shot from Jonathan Ives Office room. The office gives a full 360 view of the entire city.

Img 4: The meeting place - the bridge. The bridge is the meeting place between the two clients. The casts shadows upon the bridge which shift and morph as day turns to night.

Links to Models:

To James Pederson: My apologies, my final submission is plagued with bugs and errors. It is impossible to walk onto the bridge for some reason that I do not know, Kavya had the same issue with her last experiment, and found no solution. I couldn't find one either. My Jonathan Ives Building did not convert into Crysis at all. I was only able to convert a half finished model. There for my elevator could not be input into Crysis. I tried many thousands of times to convert and put it into Crysis but it never turned out. The yellow ball kept appearing in Crysis. I had only one texture on the building, and I made sure everything was correct, however, it never converted correctly. I read the forums and did followed every possible trick but it simply did not work. For the complete model of Jonathan Ive's office refer to the Sketchup Model.

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